Time Travel with Zanzibar Dior

Photos courtesy of Tim Amundson

Zanzibar Dior teaches you how to Time Travel
September 3rd-6th 2015

Thank you for helping us in our research on time travel. Your presence is priceless. Traveling through time is easier than we think. We are always doing it. Doing it well is like learning to dance right: there is one way to dance, but you know a good dance when you feel it happening: it can be affirming, and sexy.

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About the artist:
Ariel Abrahams (b. 1988) writes poetry and opera in email, inky pen drawings, .zip files, audio,sleepovers, long walks, shabbat dinners, and records under the name lonohomo. He is fascinated by religion, group dynamics, and imagination. Ariel is currently a resident at Flux Factory in Queens, New York, and is the Director of Public Engagement for the theater group Odyssey Works.